Monday, June 12, 2006

Heat, Exams and slow computers...

....what do they all have in common?

Answer: They are pissing me off.

I have decided that I actually don't really the heat. It makes me really annoyed and irritable. And uncomfortable. And I have to do exams in this weather.

I hate the way it penetrates you and you just feel like you can't be bothered to do anything. I swear it dulls your mind.

I know the cold isn't much better but I think I definitely prefer it.

And don't get me started on my exams rant. Considering that it is entirely my fault that I have done minimum revision but I did have obstacles, so whatever.

I don't have any exams tomorrow so I am guessing I'll be doing Chemistry, Physics and History revision all tomorrow. Ahem. Who wants to bet that I'll actually do a lot of work?

God, I am in a really pissed off mood. Everyone is really annoying me for no reason. Like when they speak to me.

I want everyone to go away.

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