Thursday, April 06, 2006

Yay for digital cameras!

I love digital cameras! Now I can show the world my labo and lotus, which I think I go on about it nearly all my entries....

Well if you search among the bowl filled with mud and water, you'll see two green shoots. They're my lotuses!

And the labo is the little man with grass for hair! So cute. Sam added the "glasses"

Thanks Polly for getting the camera!

This is me writing a bit later, at 9:19. I had to go on msn but A wasn't there. This is so stupid. Why do I always have to make dumb excuses about not going to places.
Oh well I've got used to it.

Anyway I am quite (okay, very) obsessed with exclamation at the moment. Lol only a few people would understand what I meant by that.

Yeah well I'm really tired, as usual. Think I might eat and then go to bed.
I never do any work in the evening now. It's really bad, actually. I'm so lazy.

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